Reduce Christmas Stress!
1.Recognize that overwhelm isn't real.
It's not something that attacks us. It's a feeling we experience based upon a belief there's too much to do and too little time to do it. It's fear-- plain and simple. And once we recognize and acknowledge it, we're better equipped to deal with it.
2.Be grateful.
Just think, the alternative is that you have little to do and you're bored. Appreciate the fact that you have the opportunities and the projects that allow you to contribute to the world.
3.Accept the fact you'll never be caught up.
If you're a person of action--someone with goals and aspirations--it's not too likely you'll ever have an empty inbox. The times in which we live and our ability to do meaningful work throughout our lives leads me to believe that we'll always have things left to do.
4.Understand that we can only think about one thing at a time.
We may be able to multi-task and we may be able to switch our thoughts very rapidly, but we can hold only one thought in our mind at a time. Trying to think about more than one thing at once is very tiring and frustrating.
5.Be selective.
The biggest weapon you have in fighting overwhelm is your ability to prioritize what you need to do. By making intelligent choices based upon urgent, non- urgent, important and non-important, we can focus better.
Learn to gain the assistance of others. People like to help, but you have to ask. Anything that can be adequately done by someone else should be delegated. It's an important skill worth developing.
7.Learn to say no.
Our feelings of overwhelm largely come from taking on too much. If you're asked to do something, don't be too quick to accept the assignment. You might think you're being a nice person, but if you succumb to health problems because of it, you won't be nice for very much longer. If you're TOLD to do something (by a boss, for instance), ask them which things they would like to have you put off while you complete the new assignment.
8.Take care of yourself.
There will always be times when we're called upon to put forth extra effort. And we can if we've been taking good care of ourselves right along. For those periods where extra drive, a few extra hours and hard work are required, we need to be in good shape--mentally and physically. If we've been eating, sleeping and exercising properly, we'll be far better prepared for the extra stress our lives require. Remember to take breaks. The tendency for many of us is to work harder and longer. In actuality, we can get more done in less time and with less effort if we take breaks.
When we feel overwhelmed, we have a tendency to tighten up instead of relax. It seems like there are many things we HAVE to do, but the only thing we REALLY have to do is breathe. Take some long deep breaths and feel yourself returning to the present.
10.Focus on the task at hand.
If we're thinking about what's NOT getting done or all the other things we have to do, we can't focus well on what we're doing now. Think about what you ARE doing rather than what you're NOT getting done. Otherwise, you're going to be defeated by your feelings of overwhelm.
(C) Copyright Success Networks International, Inc. & Michael Angier. All rights reserved. U.S. Library of Congress ISSN: 1529-3378
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Can you give me some tips for maintaining my weight loss?
Question: I have lost weight many times but this time I am determined to keep it off. Please give me some tips for maintaining my weight.
Answer: If you are determined to keep the weight off then you will be motivated enough to do what it takes to maintain. The maintenance phase of weight loss is the most challenging because the excitement of the weight loss experience has come to an end, and the old habits start to creep back. The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) is an organization of people who have lost weight and maintained it for a year or more. Of the NWCR’s 5000 members, the average person has lost 66 pounds and kept it off for 5.5 years. Here’s a link where you’ll find more of their data
Aside from the NWCR, other experts in the field have some suggestions. Known internationally for his 60 years of work in the field of nutrition, Dr. Nevin Scrimshaw, a 90 year-old MIT professor and an active snow skier, shares his secrets. After having triple bypass surgery 25 years ago he decided to get serious about his health and adopt a serious diet. He eats fish, white meat poultry, lots of fruits and vegetables, and focuses on weight control and physical activity. Scrimshaw says one of the main secrets to health and longevity which people often miss is consistency. A healthy lifestyle is not something an individual adheres to on weekdays or most days. It must be followed on weekdays, weekends, and holidays alike. Members of the NWCR monitor their weight, often daily, and are able to take immediate action if the numbers begin to rise. The other key element to successful weight maintenance is physical activity. Those who are active throughout the day, rather than for one short period, are the most successful. An active lifestyle involves walking versus driving, doing household chores while watching television, taking stairs instead of elevators, standing versus sitting, etc., and every minute spent moving contributes to healthy weight loss and maintenance.
“The critical point to understand is that diet and exercise and healthy living are not to be done when they are convenient or when an individual is actively trying to lose weight; they are to be integrated into a way of living that needs to endure for the span of a person’s life.”
Question: I have lost weight many times but this time I am determined to keep it off. Please give me some tips for maintaining my weight.
Answer: If you are determined to keep the weight off then you will be motivated enough to do what it takes to maintain. The maintenance phase of weight loss is the most challenging because the excitement of the weight loss experience has come to an end, and the old habits start to creep back. The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) is an organization of people who have lost weight and maintained it for a year or more. Of the NWCR’s 5000 members, the average person has lost 66 pounds and kept it off for 5.5 years. Here’s a link where you’ll find more of their data
Aside from the NWCR, other experts in the field have some suggestions. Known internationally for his 60 years of work in the field of nutrition, Dr. Nevin Scrimshaw, a 90 year-old MIT professor and an active snow skier, shares his secrets. After having triple bypass surgery 25 years ago he decided to get serious about his health and adopt a serious diet. He eats fish, white meat poultry, lots of fruits and vegetables, and focuses on weight control and physical activity. Scrimshaw says one of the main secrets to health and longevity which people often miss is consistency. A healthy lifestyle is not something an individual adheres to on weekdays or most days. It must be followed on weekdays, weekends, and holidays alike. Members of the NWCR monitor their weight, often daily, and are able to take immediate action if the numbers begin to rise. The other key element to successful weight maintenance is physical activity. Those who are active throughout the day, rather than for one short period, are the most successful. An active lifestyle involves walking versus driving, doing household chores while watching television, taking stairs instead of elevators, standing versus sitting, etc., and every minute spent moving contributes to healthy weight loss and maintenance.
“The critical point to understand is that diet and exercise and healthy living are not to be done when they are convenient or when an individual is actively trying to lose weight; they are to be integrated into a way of living that needs to endure for the span of a person’s life.”
Thursday, December 4, 2008
What's the real secret between success and failure?
Between winners and losers?
Between ordinary and extraordinary?
One word:
This applies to your results in health and fitness
You KNOW how to get bigger. You KNOW how to get leaner. You KNOW how to get stronger.It's not a lack of knowledge for most people -- it's a lack of application.
I think people know what to do, but just aren't doing it.
e.g. for getting lean: Did you train today? Did you do something that will elevate your metabolism? Did you eat supportively? Post workout shake? 5 meals? Protein at every meal? EFA's?
Stop trying to figure out a better plan if you aren't already doing all of the above.
A lot of the time it's an application of knowledge that is the missing link - not a lack of knowledge per se.
Don't wait for the perfect scenario to start that fitness plan just start. In the beginning it is about simply DOING it.
It sounds corny but just do your best. Some days your best will be better than others, but it will still be your best for that day and that is good enough.
Between winners and losers?
Between ordinary and extraordinary?
One word:
This applies to your results in health and fitness
You KNOW how to get bigger. You KNOW how to get leaner. You KNOW how to get stronger.It's not a lack of knowledge for most people -- it's a lack of application.
I think people know what to do, but just aren't doing it.
e.g. for getting lean: Did you train today? Did you do something that will elevate your metabolism? Did you eat supportively? Post workout shake? 5 meals? Protein at every meal? EFA's?
Stop trying to figure out a better plan if you aren't already doing all of the above.
A lot of the time it's an application of knowledge that is the missing link - not a lack of knowledge per se.
Don't wait for the perfect scenario to start that fitness plan just start. In the beginning it is about simply DOING it.
It sounds corny but just do your best. Some days your best will be better than others, but it will still be your best for that day and that is good enough.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Seniors and Balance Training
Research has shown that as we age, neuromotor skills decline which is associated with falls and loss of functional mobility. One way to prevent many of these incidents is to perform balance training within a health and fitness program.
Balance training has been shown to be beneficial in improving dynamic joint stabilization. An example of dynamic joint stabilization could be the way our foot and ankle react to the demands of activities such as standing on one leg or simply walking. Muscles that control the position and coordination of the foot and ankle must work with optimum levels of balance and stabilization to ensure that we do not lose balance and possibly become injured. To improve balance we need to follow a progressive and systematic program to allow for adaptations in balance to occur.
Balance can be trained to promote results in stabilization, strength, or power. Balance stabilization training involves little to no joint motion of the stance leg and is designed to improve joint stability. Standing on one foot would be an example of a balance stabilization exercise. Balance strength training involves challenging yourself through more ranges of motion such as in a step up to balance, lunge to balance or a single leg squat. This leads to increased neuromuscular efficiency (control) of the entire body. Finally, balance power training increases the body's ability to start and stop quickly, improving our ability to "put on the brakes" when necessary (if you've ever stepped off a curb you did not know was there, you know what I am talking about). Hopping from one foot to the other and landing with good form would be an example of a balance power exercise.
An example of a balance stabilization program progressions may look something like this:
1. Single leg balance with external support (ex. hand on table or chair)
2. Single leg balance with reduced support (ex. 1 finger on table or chair)
3. Single leg balance (no external support)
4. Single leg balance with stance foot on an exercise mat
5. Single leg balance with stance foot on a ½ foam roll
6. Single leg balance with stance foot on an airex pad
This sample program could eventually give way to exercises involving more range of motion, or exercises involving increased speed of motion. Your exercise selection will be determined by your ability to adapt and the challenges that you need to prepare for.
So why would we follow this type of sequence? The reason is simple. Research demonstrates that balance is improved by exposing the body to variety of proprioceptively-enriched environments (progressively unstable, but controlled. This allows for proper feedback to be relayed from the nervous system to the brain, where it is processed and turned into a motor pattern (your new, effective way of doing things). Once enough good information has been digested by the brain and central nervous system, the appropriate movements will be initiated when needed. In short, good practice = good performance.
Now that you’re becoming familiarized with balance training, let’s review a few key components when performing balance training:
1. Choose exercises that are simple and safe
2. Choose exercises that are slightly unstable yet controllable
3. Make sure that you progress when necessary or able
Research has shown that as we age, neuromotor skills decline which is associated with falls and loss of functional mobility. One way to prevent many of these incidents is to perform balance training within a health and fitness program.
Balance training has been shown to be beneficial in improving dynamic joint stabilization. An example of dynamic joint stabilization could be the way our foot and ankle react to the demands of activities such as standing on one leg or simply walking. Muscles that control the position and coordination of the foot and ankle must work with optimum levels of balance and stabilization to ensure that we do not lose balance and possibly become injured. To improve balance we need to follow a progressive and systematic program to allow for adaptations in balance to occur.
Balance can be trained to promote results in stabilization, strength, or power. Balance stabilization training involves little to no joint motion of the stance leg and is designed to improve joint stability. Standing on one foot would be an example of a balance stabilization exercise. Balance strength training involves challenging yourself through more ranges of motion such as in a step up to balance, lunge to balance or a single leg squat. This leads to increased neuromuscular efficiency (control) of the entire body. Finally, balance power training increases the body's ability to start and stop quickly, improving our ability to "put on the brakes" when necessary (if you've ever stepped off a curb you did not know was there, you know what I am talking about). Hopping from one foot to the other and landing with good form would be an example of a balance power exercise.
An example of a balance stabilization program progressions may look something like this:
1. Single leg balance with external support (ex. hand on table or chair)
2. Single leg balance with reduced support (ex. 1 finger on table or chair)
3. Single leg balance (no external support)
4. Single leg balance with stance foot on an exercise mat
5. Single leg balance with stance foot on a ½ foam roll
6. Single leg balance with stance foot on an airex pad
This sample program could eventually give way to exercises involving more range of motion, or exercises involving increased speed of motion. Your exercise selection will be determined by your ability to adapt and the challenges that you need to prepare for.
So why would we follow this type of sequence? The reason is simple. Research demonstrates that balance is improved by exposing the body to variety of proprioceptively-enriched environments (progressively unstable, but controlled. This allows for proper feedback to be relayed from the nervous system to the brain, where it is processed and turned into a motor pattern (your new, effective way of doing things). Once enough good information has been digested by the brain and central nervous system, the appropriate movements will be initiated when needed. In short, good practice = good performance.
Now that you’re becoming familiarized with balance training, let’s review a few key components when performing balance training:
1. Choose exercises that are simple and safe
2. Choose exercises that are slightly unstable yet controllable
3. Make sure that you progress when necessary or able
Friday, October 24, 2008
Exercise and Psychological Well-Being
Are you one of the 16 million Americans who suffer from depression, or one of the approximately 32 million who experience anxiety or stress? (1) It has been “estimated that by the year 2020, depression will surpass cancer as the second largest worldwide cause of disability and death, behind cardiovascular disease."(2) Although people typically deal with these issues through counseling, individuals are now looking at exercise as a way to enhance their psychological well-being. There is ample support for the belief that exercise can improve mood, which is why many clinical psychologists and psychiatrists view exercise as an adjunct to therapy.(2) Not only is exercise beneficial to mental health, it is also more cost effective than therapy, and is associated with numerous other positive health benefits.(3)
Some of the symptoms of depression include withdrawal, inactivity, and feelings of hopelessness and loss of control. Because exercise can alleviate these symptoms, exercise can be a useful intervention tool for depression.(4) In support of the effects of exercise on depression, “a recent Gallup poll identified exercise as a close second behind religion as an alternative means of relieving depression.”(1)
Researchers have even examined exercise as a treatment for depression. Individuals who had been diagnosed as depressed were put into three groups: time-limited psychotherapy (10 weeks), time-unlimited psychotherapy, and a running-treatment group. Under the guidance of a running therapist, runners would stretch, walk, and run for 30-45 minutes, and discuss issues while exercising, with little emphasis on the depression itself. Results indicated that six of the eight patients in the running-treatment group were essentially well at the end of three weeks; another had recovered by the end of the 16th week; and only one neither improved nor deteriorated. This should not be taken to mean that depressed individuals should drop out of traditional forms of treatment, just that running is a useful adjunct to traditional treatment.(4)
Anxiety is defined as a state of worry, apprehension, or tension. It occurs many times without real or obvious danger. Research has shown that many people feel calm after a hard workout. They have forgotten their worries, and use exercise as an outlet for their nervous energy.(2) Thus, like depression, exercise seems to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety.
In one study, subjects were placed in one of three groups: jogging, stress-inoculation training, and waiting list. The participants’ self-report statements indicated that both the jogging and stress-inoculation groups had lower levels of anxiety than the waiting-list group immediately following the intervention. Furthermore, this finding held true when researchers followed up one month and 15 months later. It is important to note that the joggers only continued to experience lower levels of anxiety if they continued to exercise (which was about 40% of the original group).(4)
With anxiety, the reasons for improvement are unclear. It is thought that, in certain situations, the exercise environment plays a role in relieving anxiety, although it might be that subjects are distracted by exercise enough to divert their attention from what would normally be anxiety-producing stressors. What is clear and important for the purpose of this article is that exercise does alleviate symptoms of anxiety.
Stress includes some or all of the following symptoms: muscle tension, headache, stomach upset, racing heart, high blood pressure, sweating, flushing, dry mouth, and behaviors ranging from aggression to hyperactivity to withdrawal.(2) Stress can occur during a crisis of high impact or during the smaller everyday hassles of life. Studies have confirmed that exercise reduces and lessens the number of symptoms of stress by providing a short term distraction and increasing feelings of control, which might buffer the impact of stressful events.
In order to study stress reactivity, researchers compared the ability of exercisers and non-exercisers to recover after being subjected to a stressor, such as a timed, frustrating mental activity. In order to determine the magnitude of their psychological and physiological response to stress, and the amount of time it takes to return to baseline levels, these activities were given either to people who were in shape, or to people following intense exercise. It is believed that exercise may contribute to a “hardy” personality type, which is a person who can transform or buffer stressful events into less stressful forms by altering their perception of those events and placing less value on them. In that exercise contributes to a person’s hardiness, it is believed that exercise can lead to a reduction of stress-related illness by buffering reactions to stressful life events.(3)
From the above discussion, “it is clear that there are many benefits on psychological functioning that result from exercise.”(4) However, it is important to note that, although there is a relationship between exercise and psychological well-being, exercise should not be thought of as the sole cause for the improvements in psychological well-being.
So how do we tie all of this together? One of the best approaches for people dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress is to use exercise as an adjunct to any other forms of treatment that might be necessary. And in order for exercise to work in alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, it has been suggested that the workout environment include fun, consistency, an avoidance of competitive situations, and activities that are personally satisfying and enjoyable.(1)
(1) Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 2003.
(2) Buckworth J, Dishman, RK. Exercise Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 2002.
(3) Landers DM, Dishman RK. Physical Activity and Mental Health. In Singer RN, Hausenblas HA, Janelle CM (Eds.). Handbook of Sport Psychology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001. p. 740-766.
(4) Anonymous. EXERCISE: Psychological Benefits of Exercise. The Online Journal of Sport Psychology. Psyched. 2002. Retrieved October 10, 2003 from
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Some of the symptoms of depression include withdrawal, inactivity, and feelings of hopelessness and loss of control. Because exercise can alleviate these symptoms, exercise can be a useful intervention tool for depression.(4) In support of the effects of exercise on depression, “a recent Gallup poll identified exercise as a close second behind religion as an alternative means of relieving depression.”(1)
Researchers have even examined exercise as a treatment for depression. Individuals who had been diagnosed as depressed were put into three groups: time-limited psychotherapy (10 weeks), time-unlimited psychotherapy, and a running-treatment group. Under the guidance of a running therapist, runners would stretch, walk, and run for 30-45 minutes, and discuss issues while exercising, with little emphasis on the depression itself. Results indicated that six of the eight patients in the running-treatment group were essentially well at the end of three weeks; another had recovered by the end of the 16th week; and only one neither improved nor deteriorated. This should not be taken to mean that depressed individuals should drop out of traditional forms of treatment, just that running is a useful adjunct to traditional treatment.(4)
Anxiety is defined as a state of worry, apprehension, or tension. It occurs many times without real or obvious danger. Research has shown that many people feel calm after a hard workout. They have forgotten their worries, and use exercise as an outlet for their nervous energy.(2) Thus, like depression, exercise seems to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety.
In one study, subjects were placed in one of three groups: jogging, stress-inoculation training, and waiting list. The participants’ self-report statements indicated that both the jogging and stress-inoculation groups had lower levels of anxiety than the waiting-list group immediately following the intervention. Furthermore, this finding held true when researchers followed up one month and 15 months later. It is important to note that the joggers only continued to experience lower levels of anxiety if they continued to exercise (which was about 40% of the original group).(4)
With anxiety, the reasons for improvement are unclear. It is thought that, in certain situations, the exercise environment plays a role in relieving anxiety, although it might be that subjects are distracted by exercise enough to divert their attention from what would normally be anxiety-producing stressors. What is clear and important for the purpose of this article is that exercise does alleviate symptoms of anxiety.
Stress includes some or all of the following symptoms: muscle tension, headache, stomach upset, racing heart, high blood pressure, sweating, flushing, dry mouth, and behaviors ranging from aggression to hyperactivity to withdrawal.(2) Stress can occur during a crisis of high impact or during the smaller everyday hassles of life. Studies have confirmed that exercise reduces and lessens the number of symptoms of stress by providing a short term distraction and increasing feelings of control, which might buffer the impact of stressful events.
In order to study stress reactivity, researchers compared the ability of exercisers and non-exercisers to recover after being subjected to a stressor, such as a timed, frustrating mental activity. In order to determine the magnitude of their psychological and physiological response to stress, and the amount of time it takes to return to baseline levels, these activities were given either to people who were in shape, or to people following intense exercise. It is believed that exercise may contribute to a “hardy” personality type, which is a person who can transform or buffer stressful events into less stressful forms by altering their perception of those events and placing less value on them. In that exercise contributes to a person’s hardiness, it is believed that exercise can lead to a reduction of stress-related illness by buffering reactions to stressful life events.(3)
From the above discussion, “it is clear that there are many benefits on psychological functioning that result from exercise.”(4) However, it is important to note that, although there is a relationship between exercise and psychological well-being, exercise should not be thought of as the sole cause for the improvements in psychological well-being.
So how do we tie all of this together? One of the best approaches for people dealing with depression, anxiety, or stress is to use exercise as an adjunct to any other forms of treatment that might be necessary. And in order for exercise to work in alleviating symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, it has been suggested that the workout environment include fun, consistency, an avoidance of competitive situations, and activities that are personally satisfying and enjoyable.(1)
(1) Weinberg RS, Gould D. Foundations of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 2003.
(2) Buckworth J, Dishman, RK. Exercise Psychology. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 2002.
(3) Landers DM, Dishman RK. Physical Activity and Mental Health. In Singer RN, Hausenblas HA, Janelle CM (Eds.). Handbook of Sport Psychology. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001. p. 740-766.
(4) Anonymous. EXERCISE: Psychological Benefits of Exercise. The Online Journal of Sport Psychology. Psyched. 2002. Retrieved October 10, 2003 from
naples personal training florida fitness coaches florida fitness coaches personal training naples
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Weight Loss & Weight Fluctuation
The Scale Tells the Whole Story Over Time
On any given day, the scale can lie and your true progress won’t be accurately reflected by your weight. This is because body weight can fluctuate on a daily basis due to the amount of fluid we retain. Foods high in sodium, menstrual cycles, certain medications and bowel movements can increase fluid retention and skew your weight. However, over time the scale tells the whole story. If your weight creeps up after two or three weeks, you’ve been eating more calories than you’re burning.
The opposite is also true – if your weight decreases after two to three weeks, you’ve been eating fewer calories than you’re burning. A steady weight indicates the calories you’re burning and consuming are equal.
Other Ways to Measure Progress
If you’re making progress in at least two of the following areas, you’re on the right track:
• Inches lost
• Body fat percentage
• Clothing size or fit
• Energy levels
Gaining muscle is another way to gauge your progress. For example, if you’ve gained a pound of muscle, this is not the same as gaining a pound of fat. Gaining muscle is beneficial to your metabolism and strength level. By consistently burning more calories than you eat, muscle gain will taper and fat loss will continue. The scale will eventually capture your results and you will lose weight.
Tips for Weighing In
Be sure to weigh yourself at least once a week. Those who have lost weight and kept it off check their weight on a weekly and even daily basis. To minimize fluctuations, follow these tips for weighing in:
• Wear similar clothing each time
• Use the same scale
• Weigh in at the same time of day
• Maintain similar eating and drinking patterns prior to weighing in
• Weigh in mid-week if you only check your weight weekly. Monday weigh-ins tend to be inaccurate because of food choices and eating habits on weekends
Regular weigh-ins allow you to react to small gains so they don’t become large ones. Daily weighing has been shown to prevent weight gain. If you want to know exactly how to adjust your intake or activity level on a daily basis, email your weight to the dotFIT Weight Coach and get instant feedback. Click here to send an email to a coach who will provide more info.
1. Wing R and Hill J. Successful weight loss maintenance. Ann Rev Nutr. 2001. 21:232-41.
2. Levitsky DA, Garay J, Nausbaum M, Neighbors L, DellaValle DM. Monitoring weight daily blocks the freshman weight gain: a model for combating the epidemic of obesity. Int J Obes. 2006 Jun;30(6):1003-10.
The Scale Tells the Whole Story Over Time
On any given day, the scale can lie and your true progress won’t be accurately reflected by your weight. This is because body weight can fluctuate on a daily basis due to the amount of fluid we retain. Foods high in sodium, menstrual cycles, certain medications and bowel movements can increase fluid retention and skew your weight. However, over time the scale tells the whole story. If your weight creeps up after two or three weeks, you’ve been eating more calories than you’re burning.
The opposite is also true – if your weight decreases after two to three weeks, you’ve been eating fewer calories than you’re burning. A steady weight indicates the calories you’re burning and consuming are equal.
Other Ways to Measure Progress
If you’re making progress in at least two of the following areas, you’re on the right track:
• Inches lost
• Body fat percentage
• Clothing size or fit
• Energy levels
Gaining muscle is another way to gauge your progress. For example, if you’ve gained a pound of muscle, this is not the same as gaining a pound of fat. Gaining muscle is beneficial to your metabolism and strength level. By consistently burning more calories than you eat, muscle gain will taper and fat loss will continue. The scale will eventually capture your results and you will lose weight.
Tips for Weighing In
Be sure to weigh yourself at least once a week. Those who have lost weight and kept it off check their weight on a weekly and even daily basis. To minimize fluctuations, follow these tips for weighing in:
• Wear similar clothing each time
• Use the same scale
• Weigh in at the same time of day
• Maintain similar eating and drinking patterns prior to weighing in
• Weigh in mid-week if you only check your weight weekly. Monday weigh-ins tend to be inaccurate because of food choices and eating habits on weekends
Regular weigh-ins allow you to react to small gains so they don’t become large ones. Daily weighing has been shown to prevent weight gain. If you want to know exactly how to adjust your intake or activity level on a daily basis, email your weight to the dotFIT Weight Coach and get instant feedback. Click here to send an email to a coach who will provide more info.
1. Wing R and Hill J. Successful weight loss maintenance. Ann Rev Nutr. 2001. 21:232-41.
2. Levitsky DA, Garay J, Nausbaum M, Neighbors L, DellaValle DM. Monitoring weight daily blocks the freshman weight gain: a model for combating the epidemic of obesity. Int J Obes. 2006 Jun;30(6):1003-10.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Quick Workout
Here is a quick workout that wills burn a ton of calories if you are short on time:
Get ups- 15
Pushups- 15
Chin ups-15
Lunges in place- 15 each leg
Prisoner squats-15
Glute Bridge-15
Plank- 45 second hold
Go through this 2-3 times and you will burn a ton of calories in under 15 minutes.
Naples personal training and fitness Florida Fitness Coaches Bonita Springs Personal Training
Get ups- 15
Pushups- 15
Chin ups-15
Lunges in place- 15 each leg
Prisoner squats-15
Glute Bridge-15
Plank- 45 second hold
Go through this 2-3 times and you will burn a ton of calories in under 15 minutes.
Naples personal training and fitness Florida Fitness Coaches Bonita Springs Personal Training
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Today is GREAT!!
I know corny title but you know what, it is. Why? For me I get up and go to work doing what I love, my family is healthy, and I get to work with great people. We keep getting blasted with how bad things are but if people would start their day being grateful for what they have rather than how bad it is everyone’s day would start off better.
Are things tougher for us this year? Yes but we will find a way to reach our goals. You have a choice, you can meet challenges head on or you can crawl up in a corner and wither away. Either way it’s your choice, no one but you.
How is this any different with fitness? It isn’t. I know people that have tons of money but their health is in the crapper. Whose fault is it? Is it the government’s fault that they overate and never exercised? No, it is theirs.
If we don’t have our health we have nothing. If we do not feel good about ourselves physically we have nothing. At the end of the day staying in shape is the best and cheapest investment you have in these difficult times. The good news is there is no executive that is going to run away with your health, maybe your 401K but not your health and wellness.
It is all on you! It’s your choice. I choose to be healthy and grateful no matter what. How about you?
Are things tougher for us this year? Yes but we will find a way to reach our goals. You have a choice, you can meet challenges head on or you can crawl up in a corner and wither away. Either way it’s your choice, no one but you.
How is this any different with fitness? It isn’t. I know people that have tons of money but their health is in the crapper. Whose fault is it? Is it the government’s fault that they overate and never exercised? No, it is theirs.
If we don’t have our health we have nothing. If we do not feel good about ourselves physically we have nothing. At the end of the day staying in shape is the best and cheapest investment you have in these difficult times. The good news is there is no executive that is going to run away with your health, maybe your 401K but not your health and wellness.
It is all on you! It’s your choice. I choose to be healthy and grateful no matter what. How about you?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What is Important?
All of the talk the last few months has been about how bad the economy is and while you can not deny that things are certainly less than optimal it makes me wonder if our focus just attracts more of it. I know there are families out there suffering, so by no means am I downplaying the situation.
What you put your attention on most usually comes into fruition good or bad. Let’s take a look at your fitness program. Where does it fit into your life priority wise? Is it a top 3? For most people it is not or we would not have so many health related issues facing our country. This amazes me because you can be the richest person on the planet but if you are unhealthy you would trade all your money to be well and spend quality time with your loved ones.
So why not take control of your health and make it a top 3 priority? You can’t control the weather or the stock market but you can control your health and wellness. Take action and get started on that fitness program. If you know how to do it then do it! If you need help get a trainer or coach. At the end of the day you are responsible for your actions not anybody else. Get on the right program and watch the rest of your day look better because when you feel good and have tons of energy you can conquer anything.
You can make it happen! Take action today!!
What you put your attention on most usually comes into fruition good or bad. Let’s take a look at your fitness program. Where does it fit into your life priority wise? Is it a top 3? For most people it is not or we would not have so many health related issues facing our country. This amazes me because you can be the richest person on the planet but if you are unhealthy you would trade all your money to be well and spend quality time with your loved ones.
So why not take control of your health and make it a top 3 priority? You can’t control the weather or the stock market but you can control your health and wellness. Take action and get started on that fitness program. If you know how to do it then do it! If you need help get a trainer or coach. At the end of the day you are responsible for your actions not anybody else. Get on the right program and watch the rest of your day look better because when you feel good and have tons of energy you can conquer anything.
You can make it happen! Take action today!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Semi-Private training
The best personal training and fitness coaching in Naples, FL just got even better. In an ongoing effort to provide the best service and options we have added 2 new training options:
1. Boot Camp
2. Semi-private training
The Florida Fitness Coaches Boot Camp is a twist on traditional boot camp. It is the same great workout you would normally get but we put in the Strength, cardio, and corrective exercise all in one awesome class format! You can look at it as “Total Development”.
Our semi-private training is our same great Naples personal fitness training but done with 2-3 other people. We have been testing this and so far our clients absolutely love it and it is at half the cost of one on one personal training.
You do not want to miss out on these great workouts. If your looking for the best training in Naples come and check it out and see why we are the only fitness company to guarantee your results!
1. Boot Camp
2. Semi-private training
The Florida Fitness Coaches Boot Camp is a twist on traditional boot camp. It is the same great workout you would normally get but we put in the Strength, cardio, and corrective exercise all in one awesome class format! You can look at it as “Total Development”.
Our semi-private training is our same great Naples personal fitness training but done with 2-3 other people. We have been testing this and so far our clients absolutely love it and it is at half the cost of one on one personal training.
You do not want to miss out on these great workouts. If your looking for the best training in Naples come and check it out and see why we are the only fitness company to guarantee your results!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Florida Fitness Coaches Boot Camp
Naples Only Personal Training Program that Guarantees Results!
What most people want is a weight loss and fitness solution that finally works for them. Three essential components are necessary to obtain the desired results:
The correct exercise mix: cardiovascular exercise to burn calories during the session, and lean muscle-building strength training to increase the individual’s metabolism, thereby burning calories at a higher rate throughout the day.
The correct nutritional mix: traditional dieting causes the body’s metabolism to slow dramatically to conserve fuel for energy. It’s unhealthy and generally results in a ‘bounce back’ or ‘yo-yo’ effect. Eating correctly means fueling the body throughout the day with a variety of healthy foods. This keeps the body’s metabolism burning calories at a higher rate. It’s counter -intuitive, but it’s a time -tested, scientific fact.
The correct information, motivation and emotional support: people need the right information, guidance and a little – or sometimes a lot – of external motivation and support to achieve their weight loss and fitness goals. In our boot camp class, trainers provide the information and motivation, and the other participants provide the emotional support.
"We sit down with the new recruit, honestly assess their current health situation and create mutually agreed upon aggressive, yet achievable goals. At the end of the eight-week period, if the recruit has not met or exceeded his or her goals, we will unconditionally refund every penny of their investment." says Laurel Moschetto.
"No other fitness program I’m aware of offers such an iron -clad guarantee of results. Believe me, if I wasn’t confident this system works, I certainly wouldn’t offer a money -back guarantee. People are sick of the hype and misinformation surrounding the weight loss and fitness industry. All they want is something that will finally give them results. We guarantee the Florida Fitness Coaches Boot Camp is no-nonsense, practical for anyone and will fulfill on the promise regardless of the individual’s fitness level or age. It’s fun, very social and gives people an opportunity to jump-start their day with a positive personal victory," explains Laurel Moschetto.
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